Honorable Chief Minister of Haryana, Sh. Manohar Lal Khattar, launched a campaign in commemoration of Raksha Bandhan called ‘Mhara Haryana’. This campaign started on Raksha Bandhan and will run till the death anniversary of former Prime Minister, Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, on August 16.
The purpose of this campaign is to encourage students not only to plant trees but to protect them also. All the faculty members and more than 200 students of NCC, NSS, and YRC took a pledge to plant more and more trees by tying a Rakhi to them. The Officiating Principal, Dr. Savita Bhagat, appreciated the cooperation of faculty members and the initiative taken by all the students. D.A.V. Centenary College contributed to the initiative taken by the Haryana Government of planting 5 Lacs trees. The conversion of the holy festival of Rakshabandhan into Vrikshabandhan will lead to the environment- conservation. The Principal of the college ensured the contribution of every student in tree plantation till August 15 to make this event a great success.
Just as in Raksha Bandhan brothers took responsibility to protect their sisters against evil influences and pray for their long life and happiness, in the same way by tying a rakhi to a plant we should pledge to take care of that plant as they selflessly give us so much including life itself.