
Extension Lecture on Brand Management

An Extension Lecture on “Brand Management ” at DAV Centenary College A session on “Brand Management ” was organized for the B.Voc.(Retail Management) students by the Retail Department of DAV Centenary College, Faridabad. Main objective of this program was to understand the impact of Branding Strategies and Brand Portfolio in Retail Sector. The Resource Person of this program was Dr. Gunjan Gumber, Assistant Professor at JC Bose University, YMCA. About Fifty students participated in this program. This program was organized under the guidance of Dr. Vijaywanti, Officiating Principal of the college. This program was conducted by Ms. Shikha Raghav and Ms. Jyoti Sharma. Dr. Lalita Dhingra , Dr. Sonia Narula were also present in this program.