
NSS Day Celebratio

NSS Day Celebration at DAV Centenary College
NSS Boys and Girls Unit of DAV centenary college celebrated 56th NSS Day in collaboration with Mission Jagriti NGO. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Archana Bhatia, Officiating Principal of the college. Dr. Bhatia informed the volunteers about the objectives and importance of NSS. She mentioned that the motto of National Service Scheme "Not Me But You" teaches an individual to serve selflessly and to be considerate towards society and other people. Various activities like PPT competition , poster making and e-blog competition were organized in the program. In PPT competition Khushboo stood first, Jiya second and Suraj bagged the third position. In the e-blog competition, Priya came first and Parul second. In the poster making competition Aditi Chauhan bagged first prize, Rakhi second and Kanishka secured third position.
This program was organized under the leadership of PO Boys Unit Dr Jitendra Dhul and PO Girls Unit Ms. Kavita Sharma. District President of Mission Jagriti Mr. Ravinder Malik, Women Wing President Ms. Lata Singla, Vice President Ms. Bhavana Chaudhary and members of Mission Jagriti Mr. Santosh Arora, Ms. Varsha and Ms. Jyoti were also present at the program. Dr Jitendra Dhul and Ms. Kavita Sharma congratulated the students on the 56th NSS Day and gave a brief description of the activities of NSS. Dr Neeraj Singh, Mr. Zakir Hussain, Ms.Kavita Sharma were the jury of the competition. All the NSS volunteers participated enthusiastically in this program.