
National Webinar on *”Academic Leadership in the Context of National Education Policy, 2020″*

  DAV Centenary College, Faridabad is organising a National Webinar on *"Academic Leadership in the Context of National Education Policy, 2020"* All are requested to join the webinar at 12 noon on Wednesday, 16th September,2020. Share this information with your friends in academic fraternity and family members also, so that all could get the benefit of the deliberations by our seasoned academic leaders. Topic:"Academic Leadership in the Context of National Education Policy, 2020" Date- 16th September,2020 Timings- 12 noon onwards Join Zoom Meeting https://bit.ly/32oFG2Q Meeting ID: 917 2776 1915 Passcode: 295274 Register for National Webinar https://forms.gle/gx5HUh8JeSXhyJM96 Thanks and Regards Organizing team D.A.V. Centenary College Faridabad