National Level online IT Contest on “Digital India Is Now Self Reliant Bharat”
Rules and Regulations for nATIOnal level online it contest on "digital india is now self reliant bharat"
General Instructions:
- The participants can send their entries in two ways: Digital Poster Presentation & Developing an App
- Register at https://forms.gle/oQDhAT5t9PUbHjcW8 before September 20, 2020. Please copy and paste this registration link in web browser to access this.
- Each team can have maximum two participants
- Decision of Jury should be considered final.
- It is mandatory for each participant to stay present throughout the competition otherwise the team will be disqualified.
- Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
- Please mail your Proposal till 23th September, 2020 at Email id – techniciaclub@davccfbd.ac.in . Mention category in subject of E-mail.
- E-certificates will be provided to the winners as well as each participant.
- For any query, contact Ritu Sachdeva – 9868942623, Ms. Rajwinder Kaur – 9717795628, Mr. Neeraj Malik - 9467713435
Instructions for App development:
- Teams don’t need to submit working applications, only description of app, they would be working on must be forwarded till last dates.
- Each representative is required to explain their work followed by short deliberation by judges
- Judging criteria for App (Design - 25%, User Experience - 25%, Functionality - 30%, stability - 20%) Instructions for Digital Poster Presentation:
- Poster must be related to the related theme.
- Poster designs containing clip part & downloaded brushes will not be considered by judges.
- Any artwork on poster must be original in design. No poster should include an image or name of Gov officials or popular personality.
- The finished posters should be 8.5*11 inches (300dpi) in size, landscape layout.
- File format should be in jpeg, psd
- Save your file as pdf for quick & easy upload
- Judging criteria (Originality - 35%, Relevance to theme - 35%, Aesthetic appeal - 35%)